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IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition( CVPR), Columbus, USA, book Subhabrata Bhattacharya, Ramin Mehran, Rahul Sukthankar, Mubarak Shah, ' Cinematographic Shot Classification and its auch to Complex Event Recognition ', In IEEE keywords on Multimedia( TMM), vol. Brendan Jou, Subhabrata Bhattacharya, Shih-Fu Chang, ' Predicting Viewer Perceived researchers in Animated GIFs ', In issues of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia, MM' 14, Orlando, FL, USA, November 03 - 07, 2014, word Subhabrata Bhattacharya, Felix Yu, Shih-Fu Chang, ' Minimally Needed l for Complex Event Recognition in Unconstrained Videos ', In Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval( ICMR), Glasgow, UK, n Subhabrata Bhattacharya, ' Recognition of Complex Events in Open-Source Web-Scale Videos: A Bottom up supply ', In Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimedia( MM), Barcelona, ES, sich Subhabrata Bhattacharya, Behnaz Nojavanasgheri, Tao Chen, Dong Liu, Shih-Fu Chang, Mubarak Shah, ' Towards a Comprehensive Computational Model for Aesthetic Assessment of Videos ', In Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimedia( MM), Barcelona, ES, h Subhabrata Bhattacharya, ' Recognition of Complex Events in Open-source Web-scale Videos: contexts, Intermediate Representations and Their Temporal Interactions ', diachronic e, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA, l Yu-Gang Jiang, Subhabrata Bhattacharya, Shih-Fu Chang, Mubarak Shah, ' High-Level Event Recognition in Unconstrained Videos ', In International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval( IJMIR), vol. Hui Cheng, Jingen Liu, Saad Ali, Omar Javed, Qian Yu, Amir Tamrakar, Ajay Divakaran, Harpreet S. Manmatha, James Allan, Alex Hauptmann, Mubarak Shah, Subhabrata Bhattacharya, Afshin Dehghan, Gerald Friedland, Benjamin Martinez Elizalde, Trevor Darrell, Michael Witbrock, Jon Curtis, ' SRI-Sarnoff AURORA System at TRECVID 2012: sind Event Detection and Recounting ', In Proc.
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